
Showing posts from March, 2021

Should single-aged kids be exposed to sex education that early?

  There is a lot of controversy surround when sex education should be taught. I believe that high school is too late, and elementary is too early. Middle School seems like the perfect meet in the middle; preferrably sixth or seventh grade. In my group, we discussed that the more mature kids are, the more they retain the information. This was one of my subtopics from my main topic on if sex education should be taught more in schools.


 Today felt prolonged due to the rain this morning & me being tired. Mr. Reese wasn’t here today, so I thought I was going to be able to sneak out after 3rd period😂. Instead, I went to my 1st period teacher’s class and just sat in there until dismissal. Next week will be my first time going all week. They are combining both cohorts.


  It is very important to watch what you post on the internet. Although the internet is for you to have fun and enjoy, it could be used to bring you down! I believe that when applying to colleges or jobs, it shouldn’t be effected by your social media post. That’s not the case for the law though! Be careful and mindful of what you post on the media! 

First Day In

  Today was my first day of in-person learning. It felt good being back in the building, surrounded by knowledge and learning. I am now able to focus more, now that all my distribution are eliminated. Lunch was horrible though. I enjoyed each class, even though I almost fell asleep in third period. I look forward to coming back next week! 

Ugghhh Education

   Sometimes learning can be so boring! It could be so boring to where you fall asleep in class or lack attention. To me, virtual learning is very boring & it be hard for me to pay attention. Today, I was tired and it was hard to pay attention. I know my ancestors shed blood, sweat, & tears so we could even just read a book. That motivates me.

The Proof is in the Pudding

 I had a pretty good, tiring weekend. This spring forwarding threw me for a loop, as I unexpectedly lost an hour of sleep. I am excited about this week because this will be my first week going back into the school building. My first day back will be Thursday. Recently I learned about synthesis essays. I believe they would be pretty easy to me, but it’s still an essay.

Writer’s Block pt. 2

 Well, I got a 4/6 on my essay :/. Really shocked because I thought I did well, but obviously not. I tried my best, and will continue to work on the things needed to be worked on to better my writing. I look at this as a lesson, and will keep writing to become better and better. 


  Today was a tiring day. I started off by joining 1st period a few minutes late, even though I woke up on time. I had dozes off for like 5 more minutes. After 1st period, I just slept until lunch ended in 3rd period. I was very tired as you can see! My day ended up ending quick, as 4th period ended early. 

Mess up Some Commas

  I’m pretty sure we’re all familiar with the song by future, “Mess Up Some Commas.” Well, I feel that many people don’t know when and when not to use commas. I believe I’m good at using commas. Grammar has been my favorite subject since kindergarten, and I don’t think it has failed me. Yet at least 😂. 

Writer's Block

TGIF! This is the only day I look forward to every week. Especially after a stressful week of virtual learning. This week has been a ride! From projects to writing an essay in Mr. Reese's class. I believe I did well on my essay. I gave 110% and believe I followed all the neccessary steps. Hopefully it shows that I am ready for the AP exam.