
My Advice

 This is a challenging course. Altough there are some challenges, it is not hard. If you apply what you've learned everyday, you'll have no worries when the Ap exams comes. Do your work the day you get it so you wont forget or have to worry about it the next day. Try to finish your classwork before class is over so it doesn't fall into your homework for this class, or other classes because it could be rough. Try your best not to procrastinate or stress. This subject may be boring to you, but it will be worth it when you come across something in life or another class where you have to apply what you know. 

Future Dawg

 This was the easiest final I've ever had. Mr. Rease made this final to where it would not only benefit our grade, but our future as well. I feel like this final made me more motivated to go to college and get out and start my career. At first, I was undecided on whether I was going to college, and if so, what for; but now I have an idea of what I want to do and what college I want to go to. 

AP Lang

 I believe the changes that should be made in this course should be more activities, such as writing projects. I believe writing essays once every few months will better prepare students for the AP exam in a year-long environment. This way, students would be familar with this come time for the exam.

Getting Ready

 Back to school I go. Another tiring Monday, yet the last monday before the exam. As it approaches, I get more nervous. I am highly ready for the summer and ready to be stress-free.


 1 test down, 2 more to go. After taking the APUSH exam, I am now preparing to take my AP Language exam. I was expecting today to go by smooth, but it was still a regular tiring day. My AP Lang exam is next wednesday. I believe I am ready, I think. 

A-PUSHing my way into year 17!!

 Happy Birthday To Me!! Today marks the last birthday of my childhood 🥲. After this year, I will become a legal adult! 16 was a ride, hopefully I could take a cruise all year 17. Today, on my birthday, I took my AP Us History Exam. It was going good, at first. Then I got the the last essay & gave out. My brain was fried & my writer’s block was at an all time high! I also was recognized for honors day! I received an A/B honors award. My next exam would be for Ap Lang. I’m looking forward to it!

17 Again..

 I started off my day being late because I had to stop and get oil for my car. I then came to school and procceeded with the regular school day. The next time yall hear from me, it will be my birthday. I am starting to get a little nervous and stressed since the AP exam is literally a day away. I hope I pass, but if I dont, at least I still get the credit. I still need to catch up on some work from other classes.